Corporate Philosophy
- Motto
- Philosophy
- Conduct
Let’s enjoy work
Let’s enjoy play
Let’s enjoy living
Let’s enjoy life
Let’s enjoy everything
TESEC contributes to society by supplying excellent semiconductor inspection equipment worldwide.
TESEC aims to be the frontrunners in the creative industry, providing solutions.
TESEC values employees with rich ideas and a strong will.
Put our customers first and respond with sincerity.
Always challenge ourselves with new things.
Be proud and confident in our work.
Comply with laws and act with high ethical standards.
Aim to be trusted and respected.
Compliance with RBA Code of Conduct
TESEC declares its commitment to comply with the law, conduct fair and honest business activities, ensure a safe working environment, treat workers with respect and dignity, take responsibility for the environment, and conduct business ethically. To this end, we support the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct and actively promote compliance with this code and its standards.
Compliance Promotion System
To promote a compliance system, TESEC operates the RBA Compliance and Risk Management Committee, which is chaired by the Chief Compliance Officer (executive officer).
The activity promotion members are primarily the heads and leaders of departments responsible for labor rights, ethics, and health and safety.
The members act as consultants in these respective fields, working to maintain and improve compliance within the company.
【RBA Compliance and Risk Management System】

Whistleblowing System
To proactively identify and mitigate compliance risks to prevent violations of laws and internal regulations, we have established an internal reporting and consultation service, which is widely known to all employees.
Measures for Awareness
【Compliance Training】
Every year, e-learning and other training programs are conducted to instill and embed compliance and risk management awareness in each employee.
In addition, training is held at departmental managers' meetings, where themes are decided in advance.
【Sharing Compliance Materials】
We share materials such as the latest news and case studies regularly to deepen employees' understanding of compliance by exposing them to more practical examples of compliance issues.